- With multiple options for SF available, the Cumberland Mall retail spaces can accommodate a number of retail, service and/or restaurant users. +/- 250 SF kiosks are available as is a +/-10,570 SF space. The majority of vacancies fall in the 1,200 to 4,200 SF range. Units can be combined for larger users - Uniquely located at the intersection of heavily trafficked Route 55 and Delsea Drive, the Cumberland Mall is easily accessible from areas both North and South of Vineland. Route 55 serves as a main road through Cumberland and Gloucester counties, serving Millville, Vineland,and Glassboro. Used as a commuter route north to Philadelphia and, along with Route 47, as a route from the Delaware Valley to Jersey Shore resorts in Cape May County - The Cumberland Mall has a diverse roster of large and small retailer including Starbucks, Home Goods, Dicks Sporting Goods, Bath and Body Works, Victoria’s Secret, Applebee’s, American Eagle and more